US, 1989
100 min., OmdU
100 min., OmdU
#de Trägheit (auch Überdruss
oder acedia) ist die komplizierteste und verwobendste Todsünde von allen. Mindestens so verwoben und verwachsen wie die schleimig-blutigen
High-Society-Körper in einem der ikonischsten 80er-Jahre-Horrorfilme: Brian Yuznas SOCIETY.
#en Sloth (aka acedia) is the most complicated and interwoven deadly sin of all. At least as interwoven and intertwined as the slimy, bloody high society bodies in one of the most iconic 80s horror films: Brian Yuzna's SOCIETY.
#en Sloth (aka acedia) is the most complicated and interwoven deadly sin of all. At least as interwoven and intertwined as the slimy, bloody high society bodies in one of the most iconic 80s horror films: Brian Yuzna's SOCIETY.