#de Der dritte Film im „SOS – Summer of Sin: 7 Filme zu den 7 Todsünden“ handelt vom
Zorn, der sich in John Carpenters grandiosem Frühwerk gegen einige wenige Menschen in einer Polizeistation richtet. Ein unangenehmer
#en The third film of our "SOS - Summer of Sin: 7 Films on the 7 Deadly Sins" is about anger against a few people in a police station in John Carpenter's terrific early work. Still an unpleasant cult film!
#en The third film of our "SOS - Summer of Sin: 7 Films on the 7 Deadly Sins" is about anger against a few people in a police station in John Carpenter's terrific early work. Still an unpleasant cult film!
Vom Zorn getriebene Gangs machen Los Angeles im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes unsicher. Nach einem brutalen Angriff, bei dem auch
ein kleines Mädchen ermordet wurde, finden sich in einer Polizeistation unterschiedliche Menschen zusammen. Polizist*innen,
Häftlinge und Schutzsuchende sind schon bald bereit zum Schulterschluss, denn die wahre Bedrohung kommt von außerhalb. John
Carpenter machte nie ein Geheimnis aus seinen filmischen Vorbildern. Sowohl das Werk von Howard Hawks (allen voran „Rio Bravo“),
als auch George A. Romeros „The Night of the Living Dead“ standen für „Assault on Precinct 13“ Pate. Western- und Horror-Elemente,
eingebettet in ein dystopisches Szenario, sollten auch weitere Filme des Maestros prägen. Mit diesem Streifen nahm das unheimlich
fruchtbare Grauen seinen Anfang.
#en Gangs driven by anger make Los Angeles unsafe. After a brutal attack in which a little girl was murdered, different people come together in a police station. Police officers, inmates and shelter seekers are soon ready to close ranks, because the real threat comes from outside. John Carpenter never made a secret of his cinematic role models. Both the work of Howard Hawks (first and foremost "Rio Bravo"), as well as George A. Romero's "The Night of the Living Dead" were inspirations for "Assault on Precinct 13". Western and horror elements embedded in a dystopian scenario were to characterize further films by the maestro. With this flick, the eerily fertile horror took its beginning.
#en Gangs driven by anger make Los Angeles unsafe. After a brutal attack in which a little girl was murdered, different people come together in a police station. Police officers, inmates and shelter seekers are soon ready to close ranks, because the real threat comes from outside. John Carpenter never made a secret of his cinematic role models. Both the work of Howard Hawks (first and foremost "Rio Bravo"), as well as George A. Romero's "The Night of the Living Dead" were inspirations for "Assault on Precinct 13". Western and horror elements embedded in a dystopian scenario were to characterize further films by the maestro. With this flick, the eerily fertile horror took its beginning.