#de Welcher Film würde im „SOS – Summer of Sin: 7 Filme zu den 7 Todsünden“ besser zur
TodsündeWollust passen, als Nagisa Ōshimas erotischer Skandalfilm „Im Reich der Sinne“?
#en What film would fit better in the "SOS - Summer of Sin: 7 Films on the 7 Deadly Sins" than Nagisa Ōshima's erotic scandal film "In the Realm of the Senses"? At least when we’re talking about the deadly sin lust!
#en What film would fit better in the "SOS - Summer of Sin: 7 Films on the 7 Deadly Sins" than Nagisa Ōshima's erotic scandal film "In the Realm of the Senses"? At least when we’re talking about the deadly sin lust!
#de 1936 in Tokio: Die ehemalige Sexarbeiterin Sada, die nun als
Zimmermädchen in einem Hotel arbeitet, beginnt eine intensive Affäre mit dem Besitzer Ishida. Nachdem dieser seine Frau verlassen
hat, wird Sada zunehmend besitzergreifend und eifersüchtig, während Ishida immer begieriger wird, ihr zu gefallen. Die einvernehmliche
Besessenheit scheint vor nichts Halt zu machen, nicht einmal vor dem Tod. Regisseur Nagisa Ōshima gilt als Schlüsselfigur
der Japanischen Neuen Welle und hat mit „Im Reich der Sinne“ sein bekanntestes und vielleicht auch bestes Werk abgeliefert.
Die verstörende Liebesgeschichte, die auch mit sehr expliziten Sexszenen aufwartet, wird mittels extrem ästhetischer Bilder
und zwei großartigen Hauptdarsteller*innen transportiert.
#en 1936 in Tokyo: Sada, a former sex worker who now works as a chambermaid in a hotel, begins an intense affair with the owner Ishida. After he leaves his wife, Sada becomes increasingly possessive and jealous, while Ishida becomes more and more eager to please her. The consensual obsession seems to stop at nothing, not even death. Director Nagisa Ōshima is considered a key figure of the Japanese New Wave and has delivered his best-known and perhaps best work with "In the Realm of the Senses". The disturbing love story, which also features very explicit sex scenes, is conveyed by means of extremely aesthetic images and two great leading actors.
#en 1936 in Tokyo: Sada, a former sex worker who now works as a chambermaid in a hotel, begins an intense affair with the owner Ishida. After he leaves his wife, Sada becomes increasingly possessive and jealous, while Ishida becomes more and more eager to please her. The consensual obsession seems to stop at nothing, not even death. Director Nagisa Ōshima is considered a key figure of the Japanese New Wave and has delivered his best-known and perhaps best work with "In the Realm of the Senses". The disturbing love story, which also features very explicit sex scenes, is conveyed by means of extremely aesthetic images and two great leading actors.