Tranny Fag - embodied
„Ich werde der Widerspruch zu den Begriffen sein, die du kreiert hast!“, sagt Linn da
Quebrada und lächelt dabei selbstbewusst, fast neckisch, in die Kamera. Als schwarze Transfrau aus den Favelas von São Paulo
nützt sie Musik und Sprache, um gegen Brasiliens heteronormative Genderkonstrukte und dem vorherrschenden Machismo anzukämpfen.
So verschafft uns Linn da Quebrada einen Einblick in ihre Vorstellung von Identität und Gender: nicht bestimmt durch Genitalien,
losgelöst von fixen Kategorien, in ständiger Fluktuation. (LH)
Vorfilm: MATHIAS
Clara Stern, 2017, AT, 30 min., OmeU
In Anwesenheit des Filmteams
“I will be the disorder to the terms you have created”, says Linn da
Quebrada and smiles confidently. She is a black transwoman, who was born in a favela close to São Paulo and decided to fight for those marginalised by heteronormative gender labels and machismo. Quebrada offers an insight into her ideas of identity: detached from solid categories, constantly fluctuating. (LH)
Tickets here
Pre-movie: MATHIAS
Clara Stern, 2017, AT, 30 min., OmeU
In the presence of the film crew
This Human World - International Human Rights Film Festival 2018
Clara Stern, 2017, AT, 30 min., OmeU
In Anwesenheit des Filmteams
“I will be the disorder to the terms you have created”, says Linn da
Quebrada and smiles confidently. She is a black transwoman, who was born in a favela close to São Paulo and decided to fight for those marginalised by heteronormative gender labels and machismo. Quebrada offers an insight into her ideas of identity: detached from solid categories, constantly fluctuating. (LH)
Tickets here
Pre-movie: MATHIAS
Clara Stern, 2017, AT, 30 min., OmeU
In the presence of the film crew
This Human World - International Human Rights Film Festival 2018