In "Orlando" (1928), Virginia Woolf tells the story of a young man who ends up being a woman.
Almost 100 years after the publication of the novel, which is now considered a key queer text, philosopher and trans activist
Paul B. Preciado writes a film letter to Woolf and calls out to her: "Your character has come true, the world is full of Orlandos
today! In his film, he traces his own transformation and lets 25 other trans and non-binary people between the ages of 8 and
70 have their say. They all slip into the role of Orlando.
"Orlando" (1928), Virginia Woolf tells the story of a young man who ends up being a woman. Almost 100 years after the publication
of the novel, which is now considered a key queer text, philosopher and trans activist Paul B. Preciado writes a film letter
to Woolf and calls out to her: "Your character has come true, the world is full of Orlandos today! In his film, he traces
his own transformation and lets 25 other trans and non-binary people between the ages of 8 and 70 have their say. They all
slip into the role of Orlando.
Buy Tickets 10.4.
Buy Tickets 15.4.
Ticket: 9 EURO
*not included in nonstop Kinoabo
Buy Tickets 10.4.
Buy Tickets 15.4.
Ticket: 9 EURO
*not included in nonstop Kinoabo