#de Angetrieben von ihrem unbändigen Verlangen nach Freiheit gerät die hitzköpfige
Julia in den Bann der illegalen „Rodeos“ – Motorradtreffs, bei denen die wagemutigen Fahrer ihr Können mit halsbrecherischen
Stunts und irren Mutproben unter Beweis stellen. Beim Versuch, sich in der rauen und ultra-maskulinen Welt der „Rodeos“ zu
beweisen, begibt sich Julia immer tiefer in die Fänge dieser faszinierenden wie gefährlichen Parallelgesellschaft.
Lola Quivorons Debütfilm RODEO durchzieht ein elektrisierender Puls. Julias Motorradleidenschaft
setzt eine überwältigende Energie frei und wird zur Metapher einer radikalen Freiheitssehnsucht. Weltpremiere feierte RODEO
bei den Filmfestspielen von Cannes 2022 und gewann den „Coup de Coeur“-Award in der Sektion „Un Certain Regard“.
#en Driven by her irrepressible desire for freedom, the hotheaded Julia falls under the spell of the illegal "rodeos" - motorcycle gangs where the daring riders demonstrate their skills with dangerous stunts and crazy tests of courage. In an attempt to prove herself in the rough and ultra-masculine world of the "rodeos", Julia moves deeper and deeper into the circles of this fascinating and dangerous parallel society.
Lola Quivoron's debut film RODEO runs through an electrifying pulse. Julia's passion for motorcycles releases overwhelming energy and becomes a metaphor for a radical longing for freedom. RODEO celebrated its world premiere at the 2022 Cannes Film Festival and won the “Coup de Coeur” award in the “Un Certain Regard” section.
#en Driven by her irrepressible desire for freedom, the hotheaded Julia falls under the spell of the illegal "rodeos" - motorcycle gangs where the daring riders demonstrate their skills with dangerous stunts and crazy tests of courage. In an attempt to prove herself in the rough and ultra-masculine world of the "rodeos", Julia moves deeper and deeper into the circles of this fascinating and dangerous parallel society.
Lola Quivoron's debut film RODEO runs through an electrifying pulse. Julia's passion for motorcycles releases overwhelming energy and becomes a metaphor for a radical longing for freedom. RODEO celebrated its world premiere at the 2022 Cannes Film Festival and won the “Coup de Coeur” award in the “Un Certain Regard” section.