#de Vizeleutnant Eismayer ist der gefürchtetste Ausbildner beim österreichischen Bundesheer
und führt ein Doppelleben als Vorzeige-Macho in der Öffentlichkeit und als Schwuler im Geheimen. Als ein offen schwuler
junger Soldat einrückt, steht die Welt von Eismayer auf dem Kopf. Basierend auf wahren Begebenheiten.
#en Vice Lieutenant Eismayer is the most feared instructor in the Austrian army who leads a double life as a model macho in public and a gay man in the closet. When a young, openly gay soldier enlists, Eismayer falls in love with him, and his whole world is turned upside down. Based on true events.
#en Vice Lieutenant Eismayer is the most feared instructor in the Austrian army who leads a double life as a model macho in public and a gay man in the closet. When a young, openly gay soldier enlists, Eismayer falls in love with him, and his whole world is turned upside down. Based on true events.
Als der titelgebende Offizier – ein unnachgiebiger,
in FULL-METAL-JACKET-Manier den Kasernenhof beherrschender Macho alter Schule – vor einigen Jahren seine Hochzeit mit einem
jüngeren Soldaten bekannt gab, war das mediale Erstaunen in Österreich noch groß. Diese überkommene Perspektive lässt der
erstaunlich stilsichere, unaufgeregte Debütfilm, in dem sich einer endlich in einem anderen und damit sich selbst erkennt,
so weit hinter sich wie das Erzählen nur einer weiteren, queeren Heldensaga im strukturell homophoben und rassistischen Milieu
des Militärs. Subtile Charakterstudie und doppelt gespiegeltes Generationenporträt mit einer seltenen Genauigkeit im Tonfall.
(Viennale / Stephan Settele)
Training the incoming young recruits who serve their time at the Austrian military is a very particular job to, but vice lieutenant Eismayer likes it. Anyone in his company who believes he’s smart enough to have a bit of fun in the midst of all the drills will be encouraged by him, the toughest instructor in the army, to think again. Styrian actor Gerhard Liebmann coolly nails his character study of the eponymous hero, who reaches a crossroad in his life and career when he falls in love with one of the new soldiers (Luka Dimić). Eismayer’s very identity as a military roughneck and family man falls to pieces when he decides to follow his heart. EISMAYER is a very straightforward, economically shot film that uses a visual style that works without frills (director of photography: Sparta cameraman Serafin Spitzer) to tell a story simply and compellingly based on true events and real people. David Wagner, director and writer of EISMAYER, delivers a remarkable debut feature that always opts for ambivalence and unpredictability (instead of genre clichés: it’s clearly not a Viennese FULL METAL JACKET), ultimately crafting a film that seems – in its politics, ethics and aesthetics – very contemporary. (Viennale / Stefan Grissemann)
Training the incoming young recruits who serve their time at the Austrian military is a very particular job to, but vice lieutenant Eismayer likes it. Anyone in his company who believes he’s smart enough to have a bit of fun in the midst of all the drills will be encouraged by him, the toughest instructor in the army, to think again. Styrian actor Gerhard Liebmann coolly nails his character study of the eponymous hero, who reaches a crossroad in his life and career when he falls in love with one of the new soldiers (Luka Dimić). Eismayer’s very identity as a military roughneck and family man falls to pieces when he decides to follow his heart. EISMAYER is a very straightforward, economically shot film that uses a visual style that works without frills (director of photography: Sparta cameraman Serafin Spitzer) to tell a story simply and compellingly based on true events and real people. David Wagner, director and writer of EISMAYER, delivers a remarkable debut feature that always opts for ambivalence and unpredictability (instead of genre clichés: it’s clearly not a Viennese FULL METAL JACKET), ultimately crafting a film that seems – in its politics, ethics and aesthetics – very contemporary. (Viennale / Stefan Grissemann)