#de George A. Romero hat mit seinem Spielfilmdebüt NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD den modernen Horrorfilm
geprägt, wie wenig andere. Der Quasi-Erfinder des Zombies, wie wir es kennen, schließt 1985 mit DAY OF THE DEAD seine Untoten-Trilogie.
Mit an Bord selbstverständlich wieder der für saftige, handgemachte Splattereffekte sorgende Tom „Sex Machine“ Savini.
#en George A. Romero has shaped the modern horror film with his feature film debut NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD like few others. The quasi-inventor of the zombie as we know it concludes his trilogy oft he undead in 1985 with DAY OF THE DEAD. On board again, of course, Tom "Sex Machine" Savini, who provided juicy, handmade gore effects.
#en George A. Romero has shaped the modern horror film with his feature film debut NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD like few others. The quasi-inventor of the zombie as we know it concludes his trilogy oft he undead in 1985 with DAY OF THE DEAD. On board again, of course, Tom "Sex Machine" Savini, who provided juicy, handmade gore effects.