#de Sequin ist 16 und steht auf anonyme Sexdates,
die er per App klar macht. Dabei hat er nur eine Regel: Nie einen Kerl zweimal treffen! Bis er über einen Chat im Blue Room
landet, einer mysteriösen Gruppensex-Party ohne Limits. Sequin gerät in den Bann eines betörenden Fremden – und muss ihn am
nächsten Tag unbedingt wiedersehen! Der Beginn einer gefährlichen Suche nach dem Objekt der Begierde …
Sequin in a Blue Room is the sensual story of 16-year-old Sequin, who is exploring his burgeoning sexuality through
an obsession with anonymous, no-strings sexual encounters. That is until he finds his way into The Blue Room - a strictly
anonymous, limitless sex party - where a whole new, alluring world unfolds before him. There, Sequin connects with a captivating
stranger, but they are separated suddenly. Utterly fixated on this man, Sequin sets off on an exhilarating and dangerous mission
to track him down.
#en After a chance encounter at an anonymous sex party, a boy hunts through the world of a hook-up app to track down the mystery man. Favouring the instant gratification of anonymous, no-strings sexual encounters over meaningful relationships, high schooler Sequin is part of the always logged-on, but never-engaged, hook-up generation. He ghosts ex-partners and remains emotionally unavailable. That's until he finds his way to an anonymous sex party, where a whole new dizzyingly alluring world unfolds before him. In one scene, Sequin connects with a mysterious stranger, but they are separated suddenly. Utterly fixated on this man, Sequin sets off on an exhilarating and perilous mission to track him down. Cowritten by Jory Anast and Samuel Van Grinsven, Sequin in a Blue Room is a highly-accomplished queer coming-of-age tale and a breath of fresh air from the Australian independent film scene.