Sirius&Darktunes sind nicht nur Größen der Wiener Clubszene, seit 1998 hosten sie auch ihre
wöchentliche Show Now It’s Dark – The History in Dancemusic auf Radio orange 94.0. Derzeit sind sie u. a. mit dem queer-orientierten,
monatlichen Club Queer Crisp aktiv, in dem neben hochenergetischer Musik und Live-Performances auch NGOs z. B. im Bereich
Flüchtlingshilfe vorgestellt werden.
Sirius collect´s music since the glamrockera and got soon influenced by the upcomming dancecrace with disco. With the house and technomovement late 80´s Sirius starts to dj at Künstlerhaus.
Sirius established with dj pure (ilsa gold) "Tekknodrome" in 1991.
Darktunes comes from vienna´s romantic wave scene. They meet first time on the dancefloor, became a couble and start to dj and organise clubnights. Since 1998 Sirius&Darktunes hosts the weekly show "Now its dark - the history in dancemusic" at Radio Orange. They hold a big Scify - Horror - Europiean Movie Collection, Soundtracks and Cinemamedia and publish the Moviefanzine "Video Vault" within public Moviesession in the mid 90´s. Current runnig is their monthly lgbtiq oriented club "Queer Crisp".
The night features disco, 80´s high energy and vocalhouse along live performances, lip syncing, movies and ngo presentation´s for exsample around refugee help. The Orig. 70´s Disco Event "Hot Disco Nights" formally known as "Disco Wonderland" founded 1997 at Roxy. The alternativ Wave/Postpunk/Synth Event with exhibisions and liveacts: Ab - Stieg Musik Unter Grund run now by them only but was founded by the diy collectiv "vienna Decay"
Sirius collect´s music since the glamrockera and got soon influenced by the upcomming dancecrace with disco. With the house and technomovement late 80´s Sirius starts to dj at Künstlerhaus.
Sirius established with dj pure (ilsa gold) "Tekknodrome" in 1991.
Darktunes comes from vienna´s romantic wave scene. They meet first time on the dancefloor, became a couble and start to dj and organise clubnights. Since 1998 Sirius&Darktunes hosts the weekly show "Now its dark - the history in dancemusic" at Radio Orange. They hold a big Scify - Horror - Europiean Movie Collection, Soundtracks and Cinemamedia and publish the Moviefanzine "Video Vault" within public Moviesession in the mid 90´s. Current runnig is their monthly lgbtiq oriented club "Queer Crisp".
The night features disco, 80´s high energy and vocalhouse along live performances, lip syncing, movies and ngo presentation´s for exsample around refugee help. The Orig. 70´s Disco Event "Hot Disco Nights" formally known as "Disco Wonderland" founded 1997 at Roxy. The alternativ Wave/Postpunk/Synth Event with exhibisions and liveacts: Ab - Stieg Musik Unter Grund run now by them only but was founded by the diy collectiv "vienna Decay"