Der Titel ist Programm: Das Regieduo Madeleine Sims-Fewer und Dusty Mancinelli nimmt das Korsett
des Rape-Revenge-Films inklusive davon beförderter und angeschobener Fantasien und grundiert es realistisch. Miriam befindet
sich in einer Ehekrise und besucht ihre jüngere Schwester in Kanada. Ein spontaner, unbedachter Flirt mit deren kumpelhaftem
Ehemann Dylan führt zu sexueller Gewalt, führt zu Gegengewalt, die sich in unbeschreiblicher Ruhe in einer Hütte entwickelt
und diesen schwer erträglichen Ausnahmefilm zu einer moralisch ambivalenten, fundamental widersprüchlichen Extremerfahrung
Dusty Mancinelli, Madeleine Sims-Fewer
Mancinelli, Dusty & Madeleine Sims-Fewer met at the 2015 TIFF Talent Lab and joined forces as a filmmaking duo. Highly focused on a naturalistic performance style and visual aesthetic, their films explore gender politics, the selfishness of human nature, and abuse of power. Their first collaboration together was the short Slap Happy, followed by Woman in Stall. Chubby won them the award for best director at the Krakow Film Festival. Violation is their first feature-length movie.
Mancinelli, Dusty & Madeleine Sims-Fewer met at the 2015 TIFF Talent Lab and joined forces as a filmmaking duo. Highly focused on a naturalistic performance style and visual aesthetic, their films explore gender politics, the selfishness of human nature, and abuse of power. Their first collaboration together was the short Slap Happy, followed by Woman in Stall. Chubby won them the award for best director at the Krakow Film Festival. Violation is their first feature-length movie.
Einzel-Ticket 9,50€
Eröffnung 12,00€
Double Features 12,00€
Nacht der 1000 Messer 25,00€
Einzel-Ticket 9,50€
Eröffnung 12,00€
Double Features 12,00€
Nacht der 1000 Messer 25,00€