The Rise of the Synths
Spätestens seit den Welterfolgen von Nicolas Winding Refns Drive und Stranger Things ist Synthwave
zum bevorzugten Soundtrack-Teppich für alle Filmemacher*innen geworden, die ihren Arbeiten einen retro-coolen Anstrich verpassen
wollen. Iván Castells passend durchgestylte Dokumentation begibt sich auf eine spannende, launige Zeitreise vom aktuellen
Hype um das nostalgisch-gefühlige Genre und bekannte Formationen von Carpenter Brut und Kavinsky hin zu seinen Anfängen in
den 70er-Jahren. Jener Indie-Regisseur, der damals mit einem minimalistischen, selbst komponierten Soundtrack den Synthwave-Grundstein
legte, fungiert auch als Erzähler von The Rise of the Synths: John Carpenter.
Iván Castell
is a director, editor, and cofounder of Castell & Moreno in Zaragoza, Spain. He studied for a Master in Economics from the Université de Lovain-La-Neuve (Brussels) but soon discovered his passion for filmmaking. His directorial debut came in 2008, with the short film Nave # 527, presented in several audio-visual markets such as Clermont-Ferrand (France). The film went viral and enjoyed wide coverage in the Spanish national media. He released Trovadores in 2014, a film that explored the career of underground musicians who do not make a living from their music. It was Iván’s feature documentary debut. He has made music videos for The Closers (King of Patio Records), Hankat (Sounds of Copenhagen Records), Grossomodo (Rap Solo) and Calavera (Doma Clásica).
is a director, editor, and cofounder of Castell & Moreno in Zaragoza, Spain. He studied for a Master in Economics from the Université de Lovain-La-Neuve (Brussels) but soon discovered his passion for filmmaking. His directorial debut came in 2008, with the short film Nave # 527, presented in several audio-visual markets such as Clermont-Ferrand (France). The film went viral and enjoyed wide coverage in the Spanish national media. He released Trovadores in 2014, a film that explored the career of underground musicians who do not make a living from their music. It was Iván’s feature documentary debut. He has made music videos for The Closers (King of Patio Records), Hankat (Sounds of Copenhagen Records), Grossomodo (Rap Solo) and Calavera (Doma Clásica).