Making Kin

We are glad to announce the program of our upcoming Mini-Festival MAKING KIN, taking place at Vienna’s Schikaneder from 24-26th of May. On each day we will show the remarkable film-portray of Donna Haraway STORYTELLING FOR EARTHLY SURVIVAL made by Fabrizio Terranova and accompany it with various lectures, screenings, Q&As, presentations etc.

24.5 will be devoted to Kinships, Oddkin, Alliances and will contain a talk by Fahim Amir, a Q&A with director Fabrizio Terranova (tbc) and presentations of the kin-making work of two collectives: Philosophy Unbound and Stoffwechsel - Ecologies of Collaboration.

25.5 will consist of a “classical” Philosophy Unbound evening, in which we once again will open up new spaces for experiments in form and medium for expressing philosophy. The Call is still open and more details will be posted at a later point!

26.5 is titled “Belebbare Welten. Sprache und Ökologie” and will address the topic of translation, language and new ways of relating to a devastated planet through manifold voices. Karin Harrasser and Ulrich van Loyen will engage in a conversation, moderated by Fahim Amir.
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Making Kin // 24.05 - 26.05

We are glad to announce the program of our upcoming Mini-Festival MAKING KIN, taking place at Vienna’s Schikaneder from 24-26th of May. On each day we will show the remarkable film-portray of Donna Haraway STORYTELLING FOR EARTHLY SURVIVAL made by Fabrizio Terranova and accompany it with various lectures, screenings, Q&As, presentations etc.

Donna Haraway: Story Telling for Earthly Survival

BE, 2016
81 min., OV (englisch)
Die Cyborg-Vordenkerin Donna Haraway privat? Fabrizio Terranova quartiert sich bei der feministischen Technophilosophin und Universitätsdozentin ein und gibt ihr Raum. Das empathische Denken und ihr freigeistiges Leben weisen in eine Zukunft voller kühner Verbindungen zwischen Tier, Mensch und Maschinen, die überkommene Dualitäten hinter sich lässt. In Terranovas Film finden sich Entsprechungen von Haraways Liebe zu ihrem Hund und ihrem Respekt für jede Spezies, wenn etwa ein riesiger Oktopus ins Bild quillt. Eine andere Welt ist möglich. (kinoimkesselhaus)